This is a small update to my Custom Posts series which explained how to create your own custom posts.

For my custom posts I needed multiple editor boxes as there are different large areas of text to fill. Pre WordPress 3.3 I had to do this in a really clunky way with the addition of another plugin and I just wasn’t happy with it.

However, there is a massive big gleaming light at the end of the tunnel as WordPress 3.3 supports multiple instances of its default editor (TinyMCE) on the same page. All it takes are a few lines of code.

  1. We need to preload (simple one liner)
    add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', 'wp_preload_dialogs');
  1. We need to load tinyMCE
    function pluginLoadTinyMCE {
  1. Call the editor (another simple one liner)
    <?php wp_editor( $value, 'name', $settings = array() );?>

Just surround this editor in whatever html you need and grab the POST[‘name’] variable. The editor will appear just like any other editor in default WordPress pages.

Useful Links wp_editor function reference