The Start of My Foodie Journey
So it’s 2014, another year. All the posts about new year resolutions have died down so I thought I’d give you another one to keep you going.
Me and my fiancé, Shane have decided to take on a new diet this year. We aren’t following any instructions just taking knowledge from different places, what had worked for the people around us and what makes us feel good.
We have decided to cut out all bread, pasta and rice and generally go low carb. This will probably affect Shane more than me. He really loves toast and cutting this out will be hard for him. We are both hoping to feel better out of this and maybe even lose a bit of that Christmas plump although we see this as a more long term thing.
So we have emptied our house of carbs and hidden all our spare pasta and rice and bought in more protein heavy sides like beans, lentils, peas etc. We will be using these as rice supplements mainly to fill Shane up without costing us a fortune in meat. We have been going at this for about 4 days up to now and are finding it pretty easy as long as you have the right food in, so we thought we would share our experiences with you so you can see how easy it is (and because I’m a bit of a foodie at heart).
Today was a really lazy day. We had some spiced mackerel in the fridge so just had that with some salad and a boiled egg.
PS more techie posts coming soon :)